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The experience was almost too much for me. Rani sucked the tip of my cockhead and was making slurping sounds. My cock gained its hardness again. Her lips sucked the pink cockhead. Then she moved her mouth to mine and we kissed. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth and mine, explored its throbbing fleshiness. My hands reached around to her back and held her to me, then I slid one hand down to feel the smooth flesh of her ass. She was horny beyond all points and pulled away from our kiss. “Fuck me, Jay just as you fucked Priya” she whispered. She pushed me gently backwards and I landed on the bed. Her head moved down toward my cock again, which disappeared into her mouth again. A heavy breath heaved in my chest, I’d never felt anything so exciting. She climbed onto me, her tits hovering just above my chest. Again I felt their warm softness as she came down on me.Mom saw us in a tight embrace. Rani came down and lay down and spread her legs, murmuring, “Jay, do you know your mom. After seeing the video, Sherry’s father did not believe that she had actually been raped. His only concern was that his daughter would be bringing disgrace to the family name if it got out that she was pregnant with an illegitimate child.“The boy said he would marry you. You will not get an abortion. You will marry him, damn it!” Sherry’s father told her in a very stern and demanding voice.Against her mother’s and Sherry’s begging to the contrary, Sherry’s father forced his sixteen-year-old daughter to marry Bobby Wingate. After the private ceremony, with only Lester and Sherry’s parents attending, the teen was forced to move in with her new husband and his father.On her wedding night, her now father-in-law took her to his bedroom and forced her to strip for him. Once she was nude, he put her on the bed on her hands and knees. Lester quickly took off his clothes and then got on the bed with his son’s new wife. He scooted his naked body up behind Sherry’s up-turned ass. Lester grabbed.
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